3.定型:Objective-C是动态定型(dynamicaly typed)。所以它的类库比C++要容易操作。Objective-C 在运行时可以允许根据字符串名字来访问方法和类,还可以动态连接和添加类。而C++,对象的静态类型决定你是否可以发送消息给它。
Simula67学派主张编程安全,即大部分程序可以在编译时查出,他的支持者声称既然程序设计出色何必再要灵活性,而Smalltalk称为了灵活可以容忍运行时多出错。因此Objective-C和C++的区别就是Objective-C更加灵活而降低了其编译的要求(这个降低并不是说编译就无要求,不会进行类型检查等),而C++提高编译的要求,在编译的过程发现更多的潜在错误,在运行前改正,同时会降低程序的灵活性。因此,在Smalltalk看来正确的程序在Simulr 67那里就无法通过。例如:
对于这行代码:NSString *test =(id) [[NSArray alloc] init];//在编译期间,C++认为是错误的,而OC则认为没有问题。
总之两者的差别主要是因为Objective-C是既支持Dynamic Typing,也支持Static Typing的语言。对于id类型的变量,变量只是一个容器,本身是没有类型的,或者是属于最基本的类型,所以也不需要强制转换。因为编译器不会检查变量的类型是否正确,只是运行时如果类型不正确才会产生异常。
而C++是Static Typing语言,编译时会检查类型,所以必须要加上强制类型转换,否则编译器会报错。
在这里你需要忘记你认为在C++中的一些好习惯。Objective-C过去使用垃圾回收器来管理内存,就像我,作为一个C++程序员,对这点是非常的痛恨的,这让我不由得想起Java来,让程序变得非常的慢。但是ARC(automatic reference counting自动引用计数)不一样,这个一个编译时的功能,他在编译时就已经告诉了对象何时该被销毁。有了ARC功能,我们不再需要向对象手动发送retain/release消息来管理内存,编译器已经自动帮我们完成了。
Categories Add Methods to Existing Classes,A category can be declared for any class, even if you don’t have the original implementation source code
#import "XYZPerson+XYZPersonNameDisplayAdditions.h"
@implementation XYZPerson (XYZPersonNameDisplayAdditions)
- (NSString *)lastNameFirstNameString {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@", self.lastName, self.firstName];
#import "XYZPerson+XYZPersonNameDisplayAdditions.h"
@implementation SomeObject
- (void)someMethod {
XYZPerson *person = [[XYZPerson alloc] initWithFirstName:@"John"
XYZShoutingPerson *shoutingPerson =
[[XYZShoutingPerson alloc] initWithFirstName:@"Monica"
NSLog(@"The two people are %@ and %@",
[person lastNameFirstNameString], [shoutingPerson lastNameFirstNameString]);
Class Extensions Extend the Internal Implementation
A class extension bears some similarity to a category, but it can only be added to a class for which you have the source code at compile time. class extensions are often referred to as anonymous categories.
Unlike regular categories, a class extension can add its own properties and instance variables to a class.
@interface XYZPerson ()
@property NSObject *extraProperty;
2. If you add any methods in a class extension, these must be implemented in the primary implementation for the class.
Class extensions are often used to extend the public interface with additional private methods or properties for use within
the implementation of the class itself.
// Ship.h
#import "Person.h"
@interface Ship : NSObject
@property (strong, readonly) Person *captain;
- (id)initWithCaptain:(Person *)captain;
// Ship.m
#import "Ship.h"
// The class extension.
@interface Ship()
@property (strong, readwrite) Person *captain;
// The standard implementation.
@implementation Ship
@synthesize captain = _captain;
- (id)initWithCaptain:(Person *)captain {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// This WILL work because of the extension.
[self setCaptain:captain];
return self;
Clients using the Ship class aren't supposed to import the implementation file, so the captain property will remain read-only.